Hyper Light Drifter Wiki

The Blunderbuss is found on a shadow corpse after defeating The Emperor.

The Blunderbuss starts with 3 ammo and can be upgraded to 5. It can deal a maximum of 5 DMG at close range and a minimum of 0.5 at far range. The Blunderbuss can hit multiple enemies but does not penetrate.

The Blunderbuss is the only gun capable of doing fractions of damage. The only other source of 1/2 DMG in the game seems to be the fire traps in the East, and even then, only to enemies.

The blunderbuss has an internal cooldown of about 2 seconds wherein it can't be fired. You can swap weapons twice (to your other equipped weapon and back to the shotgun) to fire the shotgun rapidly, or to Plink with it similarly to the pistol, though the level of execution required for this is higher as you have to rapidly switch weapons before each sword strike.

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Hyper Light Drifter Weapons
Weapons Diamond ShotgunPistolImpact RailgunRailgunSpecial GrenadeBlunderbussSwordZeliska
Switch and iOS Exclusive Crystal ShotBlade Caster